The second half of life..

By twigs


It may not have been 4 seasons in one day, but it was certainly at least 2.  This morning - absolutley hosing down, cold, damp, miserable.  This afternoon, cleared skies, blue, sunny and warm.

Had to make a quick trip home during the day when I had a call this morning saying mum's boxes were due to be delivered.  They didn't give me too much option or time to orgainse much so it was fortunate I had a non-contact and could sneak away for half an hour.  Fingers cossed for no damage.

Went to pick Pudz up after work as the vet had called to say that he was looking a lot better after her consult with him this morning.  By the time he came out this afternoon though he really wasn't looking too good at all.  On seeing this the vet decided she wanted him to stay in another night and be monitored.  The poor wee man.  He's gone down hill so much in what seems like just a few days.  I do hope whatever it is clears up and he can regain his strength.  I hate seeing him so lethargic and miserable.....

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