
We had a slow quiet morning.  The Hubby arrived home from Shrimping, but would only be in for the day.  Sugar and I were in full on prep mode for her recital.  Excitement in the air.  

We headed in early in hopes of having a quick rehearsal with her dance partner, but that wasn't to be.  Instead we busied ourselves with helping here and there, and Sugar got a special braid and bun from her teacher.  So pretty.  

I was asked to take some action shots for the I picked my spot, and stayed there.  I didn't get to sit with all of Sugar's fans, but that's okay.  Everyone enjoyed the recital, and Sugar shined.  She felt so happy and proud, and that is what really matters to me.  Loving this girl.....and her performance.  

After recital she went to the farm with her cousin, and my mom, and I went home to spend the evening editing pictures.  I stayed up way too late, and soon found myself not feeling all that well. I think I caught what Sugar had last Sunday.  blech!

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