Good bye Grey Skies, Hallo Blue...

Have you ever seen such a fifties looking American Diner?

This is Highway 55, otherwise known to all in Mount Olive as Andy's, because Andy's it was before it became a chain.  It still retains it olde world charm, and it's Milk Shakes are to die for.  Pineapple was my choice today, Strawberry for Si!.  Flipping delish they were too. 

We had gotten up in time for Breakfast this morning and headed up to Smithfield for some retail therapy.  Both of us are completely useless at shopping. I mean, really, who buys Cast Iron pots to take home in your luggage.   Yes, we do. 

It was really hot today, about 30, and we sat in the sun outside Starbucks to chill for a while, and I ended up with blisters, so a stop off at Walmart to get some Factor 70 was in order. 

I had a nap, and Himself read in the sunshine - we collected Boy at 5 and headed to Goldsboro for another Steak.  Why are they so good over here?   You just can't fault them.   We stopped on route back for a beer at Harris Teeter... weird name, but boy what a lovely supermarket. This was a proper do your shopping here kind of shop... recognisable cheeses, meats, fresh fruit and veg, and all laid out like Sainsbury, with nice shiny wooden polished floors.  Very nice. 

Then we took up our position by the pool for a relaxing sit in the dying heat of the day.    There was another fire fly story, but it's a sad one, so I'll say nothing else about it. 

Just outside the pool side, there is a  corn field, and blackness.  

All three of us have a problem with Cornfields... Have you ever watched Signs?   

I remember Boy going with Himself to see the film when Boy was only 11.  I also remember picking them up in the foyer of the theatre, and while Himself looked slightly freaked.  Boy looked grey and petrified. I have never felt so awful allowing him to go "under aged.... not even when I let him watch Jurassic Park at 3. 

Hey ho.  The things we do - make us the people we are, and he is a great person - so It obviously didn't do him that much damage, (but he does know to STAY AWAY FROM THE CORN FIELDS). 

Then he had to go home, and I drove and then I realised that tomorrow is the last day I'll see him for at least a whilr...  


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