
By DancingAly

Busy, Busy

Little Ro, on the phone when I came home at lunchtime. She's lost her driving license.....

A super busy day. Little Ro decided to stay at a friend's late last night, so after a game of "swapsie beds", i.e.; where B roams from room to room in the dark, not settling, and then barking as soon as you shut him in a room, I grabbed his dog bed and brought him in with me. He slept till it was light, then whined to be picked up and put in my bed! He is a good, cuddly sleeper, and no trouble. Well, apart from me not being able to turn over for fear of waking him.... I suppose in a way it's a little taste of what it might be like to have small children- broken sleep and disturbed nights! Not sure I'm up for that yet... ;-)

He managed to get all muddy in the garden first thing, so by 6:30am I'd washed dog paws and the kitchen floor! He had his smart haircut this afternoon, and he looks gorgeous! I shall try to snap his picture tomorrow to show him off ;-)

Too tired for the gym, and too tired for a run. Sigh. I shall try again tomorrow morning. I find constantly that by the time I've done everything I'm supposed to do in the evening, I'm kind of too tired for anything I actually want to do! 

A little girl in my class told me she had a note for me this morning. When I read it, she had written it in pencil, in her best handwriting, I think to make me think it was from her mum.

" E's tummy fils sor and her legs hert alot too".! 

10 points for creativity! She's a sweetie, I could squish her! 

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