Drunk and Disorderly!

A terrible night - razor blades appeared in my throat, which combined with a blocked nose led to jabs in the ribs from MrRoly for snoring like a certain family member :-0

I eventually surfaced and continued to feel decidedly unwell. Lots of dozing through the day until it was time to collect Eldest from Poldhu Cove. What a beautiful little spot, unfortunately I was not really in a fit state to appreciate it!

Home to get ready for College friend's significant birthday night out in St Ives. I had hoped that a glass of wine or 2 might make but appears it actually broke. As MrRoly was playing chauffeur to the Falmouth contingent it was early nights for everyone, although I have my suspicions that I was good excuse to leave early on a school night.

So the blip is my College buddies. I will miss them when we finish so will have to keep bullying them into nights out...

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