An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Saying Goodbye is Hard...


After another leisurely breakfast where J joined us, it was time to head home.  So sad saying goodbye to J and each other but we are determined to get together again at the end of summer.  

The journey back up the road was much more pleasant than Friday's journey down.  The coastal views were stunning.  I was sorry I didn't have the big camera with me but photography wasn't the aim of the weekend so I left it behind. 

Alice dropped me at Bothwell services where David was waiting to take me home.  It's lovely to go away but it was lovely to get home again.  Got a very warm welcome from Alan.  

After being housebound for four weeks, the last couple of days have exhausted me and pain levels are a bit higher, but it was so worth it.

Feet up and D made dinner as he insisted it was still my holiday weekend.  What a gem.

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