Butcher Cumberland

The New Town of Edinburgh was laid out as political statement of the relationship between the House of Hanover and Scotland.   Queen Street, George Street, Princes Street, Rose and Thistle Streets in between.  Hanover and Frederick Streets.  St Andrew's Square at one end and St George's Square at the other.  (Later named after Queen Charlotte because that's what the King wanted.)     

The Duke of Cumberland was the youngest son of George II.   His vicious cruelty to wounded and prisoners after the Battle of Culloden (1746) led to him being universally hated, especially in Scotland.   The hymn "Thine be the glory" never appeared in the Scottish hymnbooks until recent years, because the tune had been written by G F Handel to mark the triumph of Cumberland at Culloden as a big thanksgiving service in St Paul's Cathedral - where, incidentally, Cumberland received a pension of £25,000 pa over and above his Civil List grant.   

It's a surprise that his name got into the New Town at all - but then, where did the power lie?

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