Today's Special

By Connections

Not Doreen...

Meet Donovan, a new Douglas Squirrel who appeared at our birds' tabletop suet feeder today! (He's having a good scratch here as an intermission in his feasting.)

How do I know it's not Doreen? Well, this squirrel is thinner, sports a mohawk (easy to see in the extra), has stripes in his chest fur, has a darker nose, and... well, it's obvious.

Once Donovan figured out how to get inside the suet feeder (push until you pop through the tiny space), he spent quite a while rapidly nibbling the plentiful seeds, safe from any predators from the sky. He had a narrow escape, however, when he exited the feeder and finished off his last sunflower seeds on the deck railing, as a crow suddenly swooped down. Donovan ducked and ran down the deck stairs so fast he was a blur to my eyes, and the disgruntled crow flew off.

Phil will be off on a day trip with a friend on Tuesday, and I have high hopes of catching up on at least some of the things I've let slide here. I may have to keep the blinds drawn so I can't see what's happening on the deck in order to stay focused on those commitments...

Blip 1550


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