living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Splish Splash!

It was the boy's first time in a paddling pool. Well, I should say the first time he hasn't dipped a toe in and screeched his disapproval at being put near such a horrid thing. He loved it! I think more than Cleo ever did and she still doesn't really like being in the water (unless it's a bath) as it is just "too wet!"

It was warm and sunny today, actually HOT! I sweated actual real sweat, and quite a bit of it! It was amazing!

Cleo has been role playing more and more lately and it's so fun to watch. She has been making her toast into animals at breakfast by biting it into shape. Today it was a very roary lion, yesterday a crocodile (and quite a good one if you ask me!) She has also been making a lot of cake. She was making cakes with her cloud dough this morning and tonight in the bath made some "water cake". Lets hope this transfers to real baking skills because I do love me some cake!

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