A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Always time for kittiwakes.

Woke at 3.56am like a steamed pudding. 
Work by 8. Doors opened. IT sorted. Work started. Multi tasked all morning. Still need oxygen for lunch. Walked via Santander (the bank not the Spanish port) Gateshead has its very own assault course at the minute. Think I may retrain in the paramilitary.
Sent an e-mail to the wrong person today and felt bad. That's what happens when you;re tired and thinking about getting through assault courses.
Left after 6 and brought my brain home. Some bizarre desire for coleslaw when I got home. It's close to the chocolate aisle.
Shall I pack tonight.

I really need to hoover. There's so much blossom up my passage.

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