
By BlueMoustache

I'm back!

So I realise I haven't uploaded a photo on here in many, many months so i'm not quite sure what to write!

In the time since that last entry was made I've done so many things like taking even more exams, applying to university, winning a university competition (£250 is mine YAS!) making new friends, leaving school and learning to drive!

It's hard to go into detail but the last two years have been the toughest so far in my (relatively short) life but besides school I've had some amazing opportunities! To name a few I was given the chance to do work experience at a top London law firm (Freshfields I love you), I became a media ambassador for an anti-bullying charity ,which is a cause close to my heart and allows me to do work which benefits both myself and others, and I visited Auschwitz and then went onto meet two Holocaust survivors!

In short sixth form wasn't pleasant but the incredible support network around me looked after me no end!

(I realise I sound like a grump here-no apologies sixth form was hell but I can't wait for what the future and uni have in store for me)

"I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness"

*Edit- I took this photo on a walk to the duck pond the other day! *


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