Dominic and the watering can

Today's the day ........................ to catch up

Well after all my good intentions of blipping while I was away, it turned out to be nigh on impossible.  Not only was the wifi a weak and very feeble variety - but it was very elusive.  If you were lucky enough to be in its presence, it struggled to download an email - never mind upload a blip.  And I won't even begin to tell you about the mobile signal.  So it has been an enforced black-out as far as blipfoto is concerned - and I have felt very remote and cut off from you all.

Today, however, we are home in Kendal and catching up with things.  Tim has been watering the garden for us while we've been away - and they all came round this afternoon.  How Dominic seems to have grown while we've been away!  I'm going to back-blip now so you can see what we've been up - and I can catch up with you.  A word of warning though, I'm off again tomorrow on the annual canal jaunt and I don't suppose I'll be able to blip again until I'm home.

I know what you're saying (and it would be churlish to disagree) - life is just one big holiday ..........................

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