Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

In the butt

Kilda didn’t sleep well last night. She didn’t get her full run last night and had too much energy, which combined with sleeping at J’s parents meant she wouldn’t settle. Up early to go to doggie swimming lessons. J joined the Spanish Water Dog club a while ago and they organise some water training each month. Its normally just outside Wolverhampton, so while we were down we took Kilda as it was a puppy session on Saturday. Day didn’t start too well when I got the car stuck in a large puddle on the rutted farm track and had to get pulled out. Disappointed to find that the 4 wheel drive didn’t work in the Quattro Had a good day meeting other owners and getting Kilda a bit more used to the water. She was fine getting in and out of the dingy and being out in the boat but still wasn’t happy about swimming. We found out why, she hasn’t figured out how to swim yet. After a bit more time and help from us by lifting up the back of the life jacket she jumped off the back of the dingy and swam to the side by the end of the day. Came back to J’s parents to have a family dinner

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