Secret garden
CarbBoy volunteered to help in the garden this morning; well, ok, I suggested to him quite strongly that helping in the garden might be a good thing to do instead of homework....*
Once he is outside, he is always a very willing assistant though. He planted peas and beans to replace the ones that seem to have just rotted in the ground (I think they were well past their best before date). It's a bit late really, but I'm hoping with lots of watering (and shade for the peas if necessary) we'll get something. Then, just as we were about to move on to a well-overdue but very dull garden tidying session, he pointed out some flowers in the wilderness at the bottom of the garden. Investigation uncovered a huge rose bush - climbing five metres into the blackbird tree. So, tidying plans were shelved and instead we hacked and sawed a path to the roses. Now I have a view of hundreds of blooms like this from the kitchen. And this lovely example picked by CarbBoy to keep at closer quarters.
Just as we finished uncovering the rose grotto, after delays caused by a call from TallGirl and a rare garden visit by Mr B, the heavens opened. Inside then for a secret project (walls have ears) and roast dinner making to the tune of the French Revolution podcast, and conveniently dinner was ready just as the Bastille fell.
Mr B and CarbBoy retired to finish the Batman sequence, while I caught up on the Archers. Later, some poppy planting in the properly watered earth and some sad seedling propping up (the rain was very heavy). Today feels like a day where lots got done.
* Just to clarify, he had no homework from school, and in such circumstances has the joy of hard grammar exercises from a revision book I meanly bought him (and called it a present. Mwah ha ha.)
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