Sun, sea and cycling!

I woke after a bizarre dream about making tea and coffee for friends who were visiting me, only to find someone else had taken the credit for the tea making! It was much more involved, but my family will insist you are better just having the very shortened version. I dream long, vivid dreams nightly, and remember them! They rarely make sense. But I've had a few that really do.

My head ached because i'd had a night of hayfeverishness. Sneezing and generally bunged-up. I got up at 9. Mollie was up about the same time and by the time I got downstairs, she had washed up from yesterday, got bread in the toaster and the kettle was on.

We ate breakfast in the garden. It was lovely and warm. Really relaxed. We looked at the route we were planning, to cycle to Cromer. The main road is relatively straightforward, but there is a long 50mph stretch with no pavement.

After a load of washing was done, and the bike tyres were pumped, we left loaded up with water and other essentials, once The Archers had finished! Cycling up the lane and heading across country a bit towards Felbrigg, we got onto a proper road. We took this to the back entrance to Felbrigg and cycled through. There is a National Cycle Network sign, so I need to check that out. Felbrigg was very busy with lots of visitors. We cycled straight through - just stopping in front of the house to take this selfie!

Crossing the main road, it was easy from there - all down hill into Cromer. A really lovely ride. We parked up and walked down to the pier. We stopped for an ice cream with a cup of tea chaser, then got to grips with the idea of cycling back. Up hill. All the way!!!

Anyway, we did it. About 9 miles in total. I am seriously unfit, but with just a couple of stops going up the steep hill, we did it in 45 minutes. Mollie is fairly confident that when she has to cycle in on her own for work, she will be able to do it in 30 minutes. I think I'm going to ache tomorrow!

We had a late lunch, but the weather had cooled. I did more washing and then Jon and Henry arrived back from their weekend camping. Today they walked from Sheringham to Cromer as part of the Crab and Lobster festival. They ended up on the pier too, but too late to see us!

I cooked a pork and apricot kind of casserole. I did have a recipe to follow, just didn't have all the ingredients. It was tasty anyway, so my replacement ingredients worked well!

I changed the sheets on ours and Mollies bed and have just listened to The Archers, while blipping and waiting for the water to heat. Gideon? Are they serious?

Now I'm going to gave a bath. With my achy muscles, I may need help getting out.....

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