Don't Look Back In Manga

I only chose this one so I could write that title...
Poppy and I headed back over to the book festival at 10am to see the Manga Artist, Irina Richards. She was very chatty and friendly; giving the children lots of tips and answering questions while she drew Manga portraits.
We then went to a talk by Helen Moss, one of Poppy's favourite authors and had some books signed before coming home. It was a bit sad that we missed a couple of activities that we were booked in for as Poppy had a party this afternoon.
My extra is Brian The Lion, who has been terrifying entertaining children at the book festival all week. Poppy's friends, who live near to the festival organiser told us that they saw Brian standing outside the house and went to tell their mum that there was a lion outside. Their mother's first thought was that one had escaped from the zoo up the road and has a slight panic until she realised it was just Brian.
Only in Linton!!!

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