Dancing the night away ...

An ending I would never have imagined! What a fun day. Had an indoor day today as the rain was quite heavy. We've had a downpour every morning which has been lovely and then it's been dry during the day, but today it rained for a lot longer so we decided to have a day indoors.

In a shopping centre!!! It was huge and I don't even think we got even half of it done. We also watched the new Captain America movie. I was quite taken by these bracelets but didn't buy any.

When we'd finally had enough, we headed back near our hotel, to one of the seafood restaurants to try the local lobster and king prawns. They did not disappoint. There was this band playing while we dined (the two on the right). They had a remarkable repertoire and I'm always amazed to hear bands play my all time favourite song 'I Can't Tell You Why' by the Eagles. They got my attention for sure, especially since it's not one of their more popular songs. The lady in pink (a Russian) was dancing along for a while and got us all up. The other dude was Chinese.

We danced for a while and sang along and this very cool band took lots of requests, they really were quite amazing and HAD to be recorded in my journal ;-).

A rather fun day.

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