The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Perpendicular parking

One of our neighbours parks at 90 degrees to the kerb so that his neighbour can't parallel park! Good job we live on a housing scheme, not a main road!

I was actually trying to snap the sunset, but hey...
Spent the day deleting a thousand emails and getting on with new ideas for card making classes and basically playing. Yippee! My self imposed exile from creativity has been far too long. About four years....

I have a new mini speaker for my iPod so I've been singing along. Had some strange thoughts about the universal themes embodied in Abba songs, but went back to the boys: Bruce Springsteen and Bob Seger. I've also decided that I might like to learn more about Opera, after listening to Building a Library on Radio 3 this morning. Now I really am turning into my mother.

Unlike my mother, wgi will be off to churchbin the morning, I am working from 9 onwards. Must go to bed.

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