Mist in May

Woke up with rain bouncing off the caravan this morning, opened the curtains to mist and stayed showery and misty all day.  The skies have cleared tonight and wind dropped :) 

My plans for walking with Sammy went out the window with the poor day but I have managed a few walks in between showers.  The morning was spent watching telly and then headed off to see friends Fraser and Louise for a few hours.  Popped along sister Julie and family later and roast lamb for tea :)  I managed to get a good walk this evening with Sammy, before heading back to Julie'sand maybe a pint with friends later.

Me and my nieces managed to get out for a walk this afternoon, the mist didn't put us off :)  Never the best conditions for photos but something different :)  Taken above my sister's house and the old house Poverty at Haroldswick, Unst. 

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