What a day!
After only 3.5 hrs of sleep I got up and got ready for a long day.
I skipped breakfast, as I was far to slow in getting ready.
I took a taxi to the office and we started meetings. At lunchtime the customer arrived and we started with lunch at the Chinese cantine. I was starving and had duck, pork and mince!
After that we did a warehouse tour which was amazing. The warehouse boss was so enthusiastic and happy, that we all had a great time and walked uplifted and happily smiling into our meeting.
We finished around 6 pm and it took a while until we finally left the office.
I had plans to show Andy and Mirka (customer) the HongKong I like insted of doing another "business dinner". They were up for it despite the continuous rain! All other colleagues decided to drop out.
We took a taxi to the hotel, borrowed umbrellas and walked up to the Temple Street night market, where also my favourite alfresco dining location is (Temple Spicy Crab)
-We were already slghtly wet when we arrived, but Hong Kong is warm.
We decided to have dinner first and then go over the market.
Spicy Crab is a seafood place with plastic chairs and tables, plastic bowls and a roll of toilet paper on each table. They have an amazing menu and the fish and shellfish is sitting in huge buckets waiting for its destiny on someones plate! We had a great meal with scallops, razorfish, pomfret, oysters, pork, veg and shrimps!
Tourists are mainly too scared to eat here, and we were surrounded by locals. After this lovely and very authentic meal, we walked over the market and bought some bags after a good haggle.
In the meantime completely soaking with feet swimming in the shoes we walked back towards the Hotel intending to have another drink before we go to bed.
We walked a few circles until we found a bar with live music with the inspirational name: "Piss Bar"
We found that so incredibly funny that we went in for a drink.
I had already beer, what I usually do not drink and wanted only some water. But then I looked at the cocktail menu with all funny names (not stating the ingredients) and decided to order blind the drink called "Nothing" for a surprise. Mirka ordered "All around the world", Andy stayed sensibly with beer.
I ordered 2 more times nothing while Mirka continued with a couple All Around the Worlds ........
We had a lot to laugh and left the Piss Bar after 3 am .... Mirka had to catch a flight in the early morning and I believe she did not sleep at all.
I dropped to bed around 4am with alarm set for 6:45 ..... I had to attend a meeting at 8 am in the office on Saturday ......
The picture is taken from the 13th floor of our building. This is the route for the trucks to reach the warehouse in the 11th level .....
HKG in the background.
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