Try, Try Again.....

Me, not the osprey.  He always gets his fish but I don't always "get" him.  I'm determined to keep trying for that perfect shot of him and since he likes to fish in my front yard I figure I'll take advantage of it.  This one is heavily cropped and isn't very clear but I decided to use it anyway.  Hopefully, one day I'll catch "the" brilliant shot and then I can put all my tries together and chart my progress/improvement.  I'm trying to resist the thought that I should go by a new lens.  I'm not sure I could handle anything bigger than the one I have (too much arthritis in my hands) but I may just succumb to the temptation especially if my blip buddy MaryJo and I have weak days together and decide to head to Seattle to "just look".  One of us would have to be very strong and I frankly doubt that would happen.  

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