Dolly's rabbit rant

Whenever I talk to people about Kiki needing injections they usually have a few questions, here are some of them!

Q. How often do you need to give her injections?
A. Every two days.

Q. For how long?
A. For the rest of her life.

A. Really?! How long do rabbits usually live, not long?
Q. About eight to twelve years is average, but hopefully longer.

Q. That must cost you a fortune?
A. No, the injections only cost about £1/2 every eight days.

Q. Wow, that must really tie you here?
A. Yes, but I'd rather have Kiki than a holiday!

Having a pet is a huge responsibility! You can't just get rid of them when their needs become slightly inconvenient, they depend on you! Kiki means the world to me, as do all my rabbits, the most important thing is that they are happy and healthy! Lewis and I made the choice not to go on a long holiday so we could look after Kiki, something we were more than happy to give up! Yes, we could put them into boarding, or ask Lewis' brother to run Kiki up and down to the vet every two days, but we made the choice we were most happy with! As for cost, I would pay anything for them! I'm not wealthy, but I would use all of my means to help my rabbits, and I wouldn't ever regret it! I hope all my rabbits live incredibly long lives, I've heard of some that have been 18, I'd give up all holidays forever for that to happen!

The reason we now have five rabbits is because someone took Spot home without realising that this small, fluffy bunny was a living creature that had complex needs, given up when they, or their children, were 'bored' with it! Behind cats and dogs, rabbits are the third most neglected pet in the uk, not well know, cats and dogs make for better adverts! Rabbits deserve more than a hutch at the bottom of a garden!

Sorry for the rant, but I find myself having to explain this a lot! I wonder why people have a hard time with my choices, but then I guess, they don't have rabbits in their life!

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