Crawl Attack

Charley started the day with a spot of huge determination. I'd no sooner sat him up in bed than he lunged forwards to start trying to crawl again. And he's been doing it all day, every chance he had. He's almost got it. It won't be long. I need to get out with the boys as often as I can over the next few days, give Steve as much chance as possible to finish the wiring and get it ready for signing off. Charley is as obsessed with cables as Ben was...

After a rushed breakfast we headed off to the hospital for my appointment with the rheumatologist.

"I've had a look at your blood test results, they're pretty boring..."

I like appointments that start like that, especially when it's rheumatism they were watching for!! The consultant thinks it's chronic pain linked with joint hypermobility syndrome so I'm being referred for physio to look at teaching my joints to work properly to lessen the pain, and from there possibly also pain management physio. He's glad I don't live tanked up on painkillers but then I'm going through a not-so-bad patch at the moment!

After the hospital we walked to pick up Ben's new Spidey trainers from the Post Office. He was Very Excited and could hardly wait to get to the café to open the package! He LOVES his new trainers LOTS. We called in at another shop to buy some new trainer socks for him for summer on our way to another café down at Splash Point where we had chips. Ben entertained a couple of ladies having coffee while he played with a found digger and built a wall out of big pebbles.

From the beach we walked to the bus stop to catch a bus home. Ben was getting very tired and did not want to go to preschool despite looking forward to it all weekend. He dug in the garden while Steve strimmed the lawn instead, doing very little, just doodling in the soil. We ordered in a pizza for dinner, VERY lazy I know. After dinner while the boys were happy I attacked the front garden and cleared a huge amount of bindweed and other debris and rubbish away. It needs sweeping but it almost looks respectable again now!!

Early bed for the boys. Charley was begging for bed by 7pm and Ben was only too happy to follow shortly.

All we have to do is the washing up and hang out the muslins on the line for an overnight dry and then we can go to bed too!

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