Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

On reflection....

So....last night, it is fair to say that I did not sleep well.

I struggled to get to sleep but having been constantly checking the time, I think I managed it shortly before 1am. I then woke up abruptly following one of my mad dreams; another glance at the clock revealed it to be 3.06am. Hmmmm.

I then had that dilemma of whether to wake myself up further by getting up to go to the loo, or staying put, going back to sleep and risking waking up again in another couple of hours and having to get up anyway. (It's an age thing)! I got up. I was VERY sleepy. I walked into the doorframe which never helps matters and when I eventually got back to bed, I was a lot more awake than I wanted to be.

Then of course I did that lethal thing that you should never do....I thought to myself...'now whatever you do, don't start thinking about stuff ...'

Yep. I started to think about stuff.

Those torturing thoughts that only those lying awake in the early hours can truly appreciate. It started with a gripping panic that I was going to put all the weight that I had lost back on, along with a bit more for good measure leaving me without any clothes to wear, it meandered through a couple of cases I have been putting off at work, punctuated by other minor stabbing panics about hazy deadlines; it then had an interesting wander into a dead end of 'did I upset that person last time I spoke to them 4 months ago?', ending up with me getting very cross with myself about the amount of housework I hadn't done and wondering if there was a special unit of measurement for dust. :-/

Alongside these rather merry thoughts, I had a collection of minor physical annoyances which seemed to have been programmed to appear just as I might otherwise have dozed off. First an unexpected cough, then a shooting pain in my shoulder forcing me to completely reposition myself, then of course the unreachable itch which gets more and more urgent the more you try to ignore it.

I don't remember how long this went on but it was light when I eventually fell asleep. Another far too energetic dream followed, only to be interrupted VERY rudely by the alarm!

My head pounded as the room span in a most unforgiving manner around me. I have my second cold in a month and I entertained myself into a slightly less sleepy state as I realised I was doing a good impression of the string section of an orchestra tuning up as I breathed in and a creaking door as I breathed out. As I got up, the room still spinning, my whole body was jangling with that feeling of not enough sleep. I also felt very bunged up, deaf in one ear and more than a little nauseous.

So.....a good start then :-D

The photo is irrelevant by the way (yesterday's is quite nice though if anyone fancies a squizz ;-) - I just wanted an excuse to have a good old moan!! It is my 'emergency spoon'. You just have to be prepared for unexected ice cream opportunities I always find! Therein lies one of my problems! even get to see a bit of a reflection of me in the spoon (which is on the grass outside for no reason in particular). Luckily for you, it is not a very good image of me, because as you may have gathered, I am not at my best today!

If ANYONE has read all this by the way, you deserve a medal. Or at least an ice cream!

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