Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


You never know what can happen when you lick something. I am a fan on licking generally "cos it seems a friendly thing to do as a dog... I mean shaking hands is really corny and my legs are a bit short for serious hugs so licking just sets the tone I feel. So when I discovered someone ( sorry but site security requirements do not allow me to name names) asleep and snoring in The Boss's comfy chair in his studio after lunch (his not mine) it seemed a friendly thing to just lick the back of his hand. And it was, as he woke up, patted my head and announced that we were going out. There...A completely happy ending without any security issues.
Walking up the Millennium track in the afternoon can often provide some interesting lighting as the sun is almost in your face as you look across the lake to the North and this was the case today. Things had started out a bit cooler this morning and within an hour or so the inversion got going and The Boss decided there was warmer things that needed doing and it was only after licking, that he decided to revisit the track as the sun was now shining and the whole idea was much more appealing. It is great walking this track on a weekday as it is pretty deserted and I had unrestricted zipping and zapping time while The Boss tried to hold his woolly hat out in front of the camera like a giant lens hood. I have to confess that I think I enjoyed it more when The Bossess was there with her pocket as The Boss just expects to get instant obedience by whistling with a back up yell or two. Whereas the Bossess ( who lacks experience due to a high non attendance rate) offers to bribe me and I am very happy with that.
The image is looking across the lake to the North and the outlet and for a magic few moments the light did it's thing for the enjoyment of any photographers that noticed.
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