Stormy beach

I had a restless night last night (what's new?), and a late and lazy start this morning. A power cut in the middle of the night sent me in search of a torch, when things started buzzing to warn me that the power had gone off.

The sound of Cousteau's heart, pounding in his chest some feet away, had me fretting about his heart murmur.

My cold nose kept me from relaxing fully.

My brain decided that NOW was a good time to mull over all the things that had been stressing me out over the past year or so.

So, bleary-eyed was how you'd best describe the bedraggled Barking who finally dragged herself out into the lounge this morning. Rae rescued me with a hot Ribena and some makeup!

I finished processing yesterday's photos, and then Cousteau, Rae and I headed down to the beach. It was good to get a blow though, and the cloud was perfect for portrait photography. Rae kindly posed for some shots.

Home again to a cold house (despite the heating being on).

Contemplating what to do with my (cold and soggy) evening. Any suggestions? I was thinking that baking might be a good plan. At least I could hang around the oven and keep warm!

Cheers all.

Edit: Ooooh, I just noticed that today is my 1800th entry. What an obscenely large number that is! Thanks to this page, I now know that my next celebration will be in 200 days when I get a green camera!

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