A Peregrines Life #4

a special photo for me as it was my first sighting of the 3 week old young peregrine. In fact later I did see the tops of the heads of 2 more, so pretty sure this years family is +3.

There was no sign of either parent which is unusual as one has tended to spend long periods sitting on guard. Perhaps as they are now stronger and bigger they are less vulnerable. This one certainly has the strength to climb out of their scrape up onto the small hatch they have been hiding behind and take a look at the big new world.

Just hoping they don't make their way too close to the front as last year one was lost falling off, it's a long way down !

The blue tit cam box continues to provide entertainment as it appears that all but one of the 10 eggs are now hatched. It's difficult to be certain because mom still sits a lot of the time and when she does leave the box there appears to be just on big tangle of little pink bodies wriggling around.

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