The journey continues...

By Lbell

The Doggie <3

Working during the week only makes the weekend that little bit better. My weekend was great!

Friday night out was a success. It was so much fun to catch up with friends and resulted in a padlock stuck in someone's ear, 5 in a bed, a cocktail bar called Filthy McNastys and everyone a little worse for wear on the Saturday. Although the standard Ulster fry hangover breakfast offers an almost instant cure.

Saturday night was spent with the Bell family camping out in my Granny's and Granda's back garden. As strange as it sounds it was a lovely family night and even with the rain we managed to have a very successful and yummy bbq. And me and mum made a rather splendid salsa and guacamole which definitely deserve a mention!

It was nice to wake up at my Granny's house on Sunday, something which probably hasn't happened since I was young. It was just as good as I remembered, with me being served tea and toast as soon as I woke in the morning, you gotta love Grandparents!

Sunday was a lazy day, which is exactly what Sunday's are for. However I did manage to make it out for my final run of the week. Having stuck to my training plan for 2 weeks now that 10K doesn't seem too far away :)

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