Bloody Crane'sbill?

Geranium sanguineum?

Isn't it funny? Most folk call Pelargoniums ''Geraniums'' and (if they know at all) call Geraniums ''Crane'bill''.

Mam was, fairly, knowledgable in a self/father taught way on the local flora and fauna.
''Uncle'' Len used to help out occasionally around the garden.

I didn't see much of note around town today, so, as ever, I prowled the garden. I saw this ''weed'' (Which we actually bought years ago) and remembered Len.

''What's that one called Alice?''
''I'm not sure Len, I think it's a Bloody Crane'sbill''.
''Do you know, I've called it that for years! Every time I pull it up.''

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