Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

Full on day today

Up at 6 to get Chris ready for his first day at summer club, it's held at his school and they do activities and days out.
Workmen arrived at 8.45 and I ran Chris in for 9am.
Back home and cleaned the rabbits out I am threatening to get rid of them as Rach does not look after them any more.
Prepared mine and Rach's lunch then went of to the park for an hour.
Home ate lunch prepared tea and then off to pick Chris up for 2.30 for hospital appt. I drive around the hospital three times looking for a space and then parked it where I knew I shouldn't and took a chance on a ticket
We where then sent over the other side of hospital to have X-rays done and all the way back for the Consultant.
Chris has two fused bones in his feet but the decision was made to do nothing for now as he doesn't seem to be in pain.
Home for 4.20 and we have to be at Gymnastics for 5. I relished at 5 to that I had given Christopher's carer the wrong time dishes had to do a mad dash over.
Gym 5-7 which I help coach and then straight into circuit training which I am taking whilst Jeff is in Turkey for four weeks.
Home by 8.15 threw Rach into bed and Chris came home from his club at 9 got him into bed as Tony walked in from a day in London at 9.30.
10pm I am knackered and in bed.

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