this luminous life.

By Laura

Is It Medicine?

The Knife.

I think it's interesting to note these old bottles of medicine have alcohol listed as one of the prime ingredients. That sounds about right -- get them drunk, knock them out, and they won't feel a thing!

Call me crazy, but I don't really take any sort of medicine for anything unless someone forces it on me (various friends who have shoved Tylenol in my hands after I declare the onset of a headache, etc.) because I believe sometimes medicine (I'm talking about over-the-counter types) just gives people a false illusion of feeling better. There have been studies where people were handed "medicine" and felt better, only to find out later they were sugar pills/placebos. It was all in their head. When I don't take medicine, whatever is bothering me tends to go away quickly. *shrugs* I've been doing fine!

[A year ago today... Annie.]

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