
It was superheroes day at school for C today and being one of his very favourite things he was very happy to go dressed as Spiderman, luckily we already have all the kit, outfits, big face mask, matching bag... The children were so excited at drop off, I suspect the day has been rather manic!

R and I went to little quavers after a week off - we did a lot of our favourite songs today and it was nice to sit with Amelia and Julie. It's such a lovely informal music group.

We headed home and then went for a nice lunch in Waitrose with Laura and Abi.

C had had a ball at school as Spiderman all day but getting any info out of him about what they'd done was tricky!! When I said 'I love you my best boy' at bedtime he replied 'I love you too my best girl!' Brilliant xx

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