Having spent time recently wrestling a whole load of sweet peas from horizontal to vertical, it was good today to see the first buds on a different patch. The mess in the background is a new garden path which, to the tune of the end of the English revolution and the start of the American one, took a big leap forward today. Once I've procured another 16 bags of bark lumps, our path to nowhere will be done. One day, it will be the path to the Orchard Terrace, the pond, and the forest trail. Hmmm. Still some work to do then...
In other news, up too early to go to the airport. Not earlier than the nightingale (no longer my favourite bird) who woke me every 30 minutes from 2.20 onwards. Back with very efficient driving to beat the empty fuel tank... to get TallGirl ready for her big trip. She was remarkably calm, just slightly stunned about being allowed hold luggage and getting to the airport four and a half hours before her flight.
She just called (good job as CarbBoy, having said he would keep me company, fell asleep at 8.30) and all is well, though by 9.30 she still hasn't had dinner.... Different culture. She also got to paddle in the sea, so it's not so bad!
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