Small, but perfectly formed.

This morning we decided to pay a visit to Cowbridge, as we haven't been there for a while. We spent ages looking for a place to park, and then as soon as  we found a spot, it started to rain. This  lovely little building  was where I bought my bobble hat last year. I can't see how it will be very successful as a flower shop, as there is one just around the corner.We had a browse around the shops, and I went into the newly opened Cancer Research Charity shop. They had some lovely clothes on the rails, with a lot of designer labels, and prices. I looked at a dress designed by Vivienne Westwood, and it was priced at £85. Needless to say, I didn't buy it, in fact I didn't buy anything at all, except the newspaper.  We bought some  sandwiches from Greggs, and came home. I just managed to rescue my washing from the clothes line, just before the heavy rain started.

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