It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Pizza Pie!

I was working from home today! I hit that zone where I was oblivious to anything for hours. The day simply flew by….Foucadian power struggles and all.
I was pleased when Rosemary suggested we meet in town for dinner. I had inadvertently missed linch and had only managed one cup of coffee. I fancied South Indian at Tanjour but R came up with Nova Pizza in Howe Street, a new veggie and vegan place serving you know what. That made it easy.
After a quick shower and a cheeky espresso, I set off on foot, calculating that we should arrive at exactly the same time in around 40 minutes. Howe Street is a place of failed rebellion where the sheriff's officers used to or may well still be. Joining the masses I fought against Thatcher's Poll Tax, but ended up having to pay the bloody thing anyway. It was before the days of online payment so I had to walk to the office and stand in a queue with fellow rebels, and people paying their court fines too. Sheesh…..and this government is 10 times worse than Maggie's.

Rosemary arrived a few minutes after me and we got the final seats in this little restaurant. It was a fun wee restaurant, filled with a family sitting to our side and various assortments of people that you would expect to see in a veggie restaurant, including the obligatory person with green hair. The food was good…..typical pizza and I had ricotta on mine. When it was time to pay my wallet got trapped in my pocket with a stuck zip…..Rosemary pulled a 'likely story' face and then settled up. I was most insistent that we stopped at the nearest cash machine as it was meant to be my treat.

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