Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

The Unknown

It's the unknown that scares us the most.

Nanny choochie-face has took a turn for the worse. Peach took DM to see her in hospital yesterday; Nanny perked up knowing that DM was there, but was still slightly confused, referring to Peach as Rick and asking why Linda was in France?!?

We were told yesterday that Nanny wasn't good and that it was doubtful that she'd make it through the night. Then today she seemed happy to see Linda and had surprised doctors. However tonight's call was not so promising. Nanny is really poorly, her breathing has got bad and it's not looking good.

We're trying to stay positive, we want her to pull through this tough time and we want her to smile again.

Minute by minute we're watching the phones, could this be the call?

Come on Nanny, you've got lots more to tell us off for.

It's just the unknown......

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