Dolly meets Spot

This entry is for Blippinheck who has been desperate for a bunny blip all weekend!

Say hello to Spot!

The poor wee thing had been in pets at home for nearly a year after being given up by her previous owner! She seemed to be being overlooked for adoption, possibly because of her red eyes, and it broke my heart every time I went in and she was still there! I finally convinced Lewis we should take her so we went in today, but she wasn't there! She had been moved through to an area in the back as she had been being 'aggressive', although this is probably because of being on her own, in a noisy environment for so long! We were allowed to go through and see her and the guy was very good, it was clear she was being well looked after, but no one was likely to adopt her with a label of 'aggressive' being placed on her!

So being the sucker for waifs and strays that I am, Spot is now at home with us! She seems friendly, just scared, and being red-eyed she will have slightly poorer sight, this means she sometimes scans (moves her head from side to side)! We are hoping that she will be able to be bonded with Shep and Q, I think they will get on well!

I will blip my brother in law's bunnies tomorrow!

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