
Woken this morning by the doorbell going. Was confused but then got up. Glad I did as Aunty Rose was stood at the door, which was unexpected as I thought she was in Hong Kong!!!

Lovely to have a chat and a brew with her as it has been a while.

James did some revision early afternoon and then we all got in the car and Corin drove us over to the Wirral, via the tunnel. Liverpool seems to have changed loads since I last went into the city by road.

Short walk up the prom to the ice cream van, then we ducked down behind the prom wall to shelter from the 'breeze' (Arctic gale) coming in off the sea. It was warm in the sun, fortunately. 20 minutes of people watching them we walked back to the car.

Back home and I spent 20 minutes printing out subject content lists from the different course specifications for James to use as checklists for his final revision push for each of his exams. I do wonder why this hasn't happened from his school - I always used to do this for my year 11 students as the exams approached.

We then took a short walk to Starbucks, sat down and chatted a lot about school, exams, sixth form, exams again, after the exams and all sorts of other stuff. We wandered home and seemingly we had been out for well over an hour.

James has done his last bit of revision for his RS exam tomorrow. He has his crib list for the morning for final check and then the GCSEs start in earnest at 9.15am. I am not wishing him luck - he doesn't need that. He is preparing well, he has managed to achieve some balance these last couple of weeks and he appears to be ready. You don't need luck when you have prepared well. (I will however be sitting at home with my fingers crossed all morning!!!)

Having to remember that painkillers lull me into a false sense of how well I feel. They make me feel invincible until they start to wear off. Good job I have people keeping an eye on me!!! I am potentially my own worst enemy!

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