A wild(ish) pony at his scratching post...

He started scratching his side a couple of seconds later.  It might have made a good blip, but Mr K had stopped in the middle of (a narrow) road so I could jump out and get this shot, so I didn't want to linger!

How come it's 5.5 degrees with rain and hailstones today.  I was baking on the balcony in 25 degrees three days ago.  Weird. 

Tomorrow's Mr K's birthday and we're off to a far away dog beach near the Danish border, then to a little restaurant I've wanted to go to for ages that has loads of veggie options, then a museum (old farm buildings, farm animals etc. and different cafes where we'll no doubt get some 'birthday' cake - a bit like the one at West Dean for those who know it).  It was Mr K's mum's birthday a few days ago and she's coming too (that's her birthday present from us).  I think though, that it's me and Alfred Dog who are getting the best deal as there's the beach for him and good (I hope!) food and plenty of blip opportunities for me!  Hehehe - I do plan a good outing! ;-)

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