Reflection in the Mill Pond

I couldn't motivate myself today. The morning went by and I still hadn't stirred from Lightroom.

Basil was stretched patiently on the bed, waiting to go out.

I printed two photos, and about time too, as the printer whirred and clanged and generally let me know that it hadn't been used lately. At which point I realised that the photo that got Highly Commended in the last club competition was just a bit blurred. Oh dear!

We finally got out and went down to Shepshed Watermill for the first open day of the year. The sun was pleasant but the breeze was chill. We mooched around for a bit and I had a cup of tea, and then we marched through the tea room, ignoring the raised eyebrows about a dog being present, and out through the far door to make a tour of the mill pond. I found the reflections to be lovely. One shown here.

Then into Loughborough to see Aziz on business. He wasn't feeling well. From his description of symptoms, I suspect a cold or flu.

After that, a diversion via Nanpantan Sports Ground where Len was captaining Loughborough Outwoods' first game of the season. We arrived as everyone was walking off the pitch. Outwoods had lost, but at least Len had managed to summon eleven players.

Basil finally had a good run.

Then home to cook garlic prawns. The evening sunlight was magical.

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