New Growth

There is something charming about the bright green new growth on this little stand of redwood trees next to Spring Lake.  Although the rain was just about average this year, it brought new life to everything in the garden after four years of drought.  Our roses are beginning their second bloom and look splendid, except for the ones next to the street which were neatly and efficiently divested of their blossoms by the deer. 

The iris are almost finished but different colors seem to bloom at different times so we've had a lovely show for some time now. The California poppies are almost weeds and come up, unbidden even in the middle of the terrace, but they are so colorful and look so nice from the house that we leave them alone.. Most of the things we planted last spring seem to have taken hold and are flourishing. Tonight we are going to have a risotto with home grown fava beans…labor intensive to cook but delicious to eat.

With the reservoirs  full or almost full, it is the aquifer that needs to be replenished, particularly in the Central Valley  where farmers have been digging 500 foot deep wells and more to reach water. It is reported that parts of the central valley are actually sinking. We have a well which is reportedly about 200 feet deep which is about the distance down to the creek across the street. It seems to be doing fine, but we are still learning to be farmers and have a lot to learn when it comes to water management. Blake's fondness for dismantling the irrigation system and the critters that live underground, and dig tunnels that divert the water or damage roots are still challenges, but enough water has given everything in the garden incentive to  put out  new growth this year,

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