Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 6

ahh yes, left overs.

Due to the diet, I have to eat snacks that are healthy and as its near tea time- i ate last night's left over stir fry. Which I made- single handedly.

I went to town today! I know, I finally got out the house for once in my life. I went to town and did a bit of shopping and got some underwear, and actually some came in the post today and they are HUGE like proper bridget jones pants. Which i love, and as Johns away, who am i to impress but my bum?

Like yesterday, I'm sitting on my bed in my onesie and this annoying fly is pivoting around my room and I may explode. In the kitchen we have a fly catcher which is electric and sort of incinerates them and so when they touch them they burst in flames and die. Its horrific to watch. Because i watch.

My book I'm reading at the moment is ultra depressing. Its about suicide and these sister who all kill them selves and its like gawwwwd, intense.

Diet check: I need chocolate before I die and now I cant. painful.

Happy Blipping.

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