The Only Picture

Work, then off to the hospital for an ultrasound and cortisone injection on my heel. I've been waiting since January for this and the pain is excruciating. Drove in to the hospital and realised it was the WRONG hospital. I still had time to get to my appointment until a daft fucker crashed into the back of me as the traffic lights turned green. Turned out to be an ex co-worker! A nice one. And the car was ok so I sped off to the hospital after calling to tell them I'd be late. The hospital staff were lovely when I finally got there and took me straight through for my scan. As I lay on the bed in I just had a feeling that there weren't going to give me my injectiom and I was right, unfortunately. The podiatrist who fucked up my appointment in January fucked it up again by forgetting to put on my notes that I had to have the scan and injection at the same time. So I swore and sobbed while my foot was scanned. It was quite relaxing to be honest.

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