
By Nowt2See

Busking with style

In York today followed my ears to this busker, no yelling or screaming into a mike just good old Joanna, music to match.
this is a
PS  Yes you can have a ps even on a computer yes i could have cut and pasted but loses something of the after thought
 i guess busking with style is an understatement to be fair, there was nowt stylish about it.. just different perhaps or is it naive! but that isn't really the point is it. A piano no sides on it all open( transparent perhaps), a chap in a rainbow coloured top( does that mean gay pride or is he just happy in the old tense of things) sat on a common stool paying with no music ( does it really mater what you sit on or that you can read music)..ok so he had a cap on the floor for a collection( so maybe he was busking) surrounding him a myrid of characters with camera's, me phones, electric journals, capturing the moment as it where..really a second hand emotion in fact..much prefer it first hand.
Why all these differences then you might ask to compere...simples a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow maybe, i don't know what the music was but his just hit the right notes no pun intended, still not with it.... listen to this link then maybe this will help...

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