Growing old disgracefully



Woke up this morning half asleep with all my blankets in a heap....'Why have you no got your glasses on, Granny?' Ah, little does the VSP know it is a tactic to avoid action, 'Sorry I can't play with your lego just now, I don't have my glasses on, etc.' It's been a lazy day, just watching flowers in the rain, feeling the power of the rain... But I have discovered a new piece of a photograpic equipment - an ordinary umbrella which shields me and the camera from the deluge.

This is my first ever photograph of a snail - I loathe them for the damage they do, although I do admire their shells. I found this one two metres off ground level in my paper bark maple (acer griseum) and loved how his stripes contrasted with the cinnamon bark. I think he might be a banded snail, but am happy to be corrected.

And yes, I know that the song is not really about flowers in the rain...

Morning coffee and brownies with my new and lovely friend at the Three Sisters Bake
The heavy rain - it proves it was worth all those backbreaking hours creating the soakaway.
The lovely Professor who lets me sleep in on a Monday morning

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