You've done what Ye Ye?

I've accepted voluntary redundancy little Megan. 

I finished work yesterday having heard nothing despite it being the day that decisions were to be communicated. Woken at 4 a.m. by something falling to the floor on the landing. Couldn't get back to sleep so picked up my phone to see if there were any other insomniacs out there posting to FB only to find 3 emails in my works email account; confirmation that my request had been accepted and that my last working day would be the 29th July. It's all very real now, surreal perhaps but now the real work starts.

Breakfast in Hitchin this morning and now I'm trawling through the reams of paperwork that accompanies the redundancy offer. Two pieces of paper to sign and send off which I'm about to do then I'm off on the bike with my fitness tracking watch - another impulse buy which I may have forgotten to mention to anyone, especially Diana. I might get away with this one but wait till I come home with the new car, I'm guessing that she will spot that one :-)

Looks like we will be seeing Megan in the summer. Luke, Carey and Megan are planning a visit to the UK. The family will be so excited to see them all.

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