Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Photo Show

I had a busy day today. I had some packing to do at the studio then a stand to set up at Rheged for the Cumbria Photography Show. one of the other exhibitors came over and introduced himself, when he found out who I was he said "Oh, you have a chaise-longue!" I do, and have had for over 30 years, but only now is it really being used well!

These three ladies are sitting upon the said chaise-longue in its new home in the studio. The three have all appeared in my blips but now, because of how closely we have worked with them, we have made them the stars of our show.

A change of focus for us! We going to an event not intending to sell anything we have with us. It will just be us talking to promote what we can offer. 

It's a small show but the weekend should attract some keen photographers as it is being run alongside the premiere of Terry Abraham's film, Life of a Mountain: Blencathra. The local camera clubs have spent the afternoon mounting such a lot of their members' images, including some from our own members, DawnCHS and JEP27. Some very good work on display. JohnGravett is giving one of the talks.

I love looking at other people's work. Enough said!

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