Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Right Side of the Tracks

My Dear Fellow,

It's not like there are many pleasant places to go out at South Gyle. But if you cross the road from my office and wander off into suburbs nearby there are some pleasant things to see. Lots of trees in bloom, birds singing. If it were not for the new builds going up (on the left of the picture) and the train tracks (on the right) you could think you were in the country.

So on nice days this is where I wander. Today I made the mistake of wandering too far into the suburbs before realising all new builds look exactly the same and becoming lost for 10 minutes.  Still, it was a good walk for 30 minutes and taking only that long meant I could leave work at 4.

Despite leaving early, I was a bit late getting home today. This is because, 5 minutes from home, a little grey dog followed me from a side street onto Raeburn Place. When I realised he was following me, I went back to the house I thought he might have come from and asked if the little grey dog belonged to the house.  

"Oh god!" said the lady in the front garden and we both went shooting off to get the dog.  "Alfie!" shouted the lady (for that was his name) and eventually we found him on the other side of the street.

"Alfie! You NAUGHTY DOG!" said the lady. Alfie didn't seem to care. He'd had his adventure for the day. And I went home to my naughty cats.

El Parsones

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