Excitement at the Smith!

I was somewhat alarmed to see four fire engines and an ambulance with flashing blue light parked outside the Smith Art Gallery as I headed there to see the embroidery exhibition.

Presuming there'd been a fire, I thought it might be closed, but one of the firemen signalled that it was okay to go in. The vestibule was buzzing with big burly fire-fighters, but there was no smoke or smell of burning.

A rather flushed lady behind the desk filled me in: a disabled visitor in a wheelchair had got stuck in the lift - not sure if it was the visitor or the lift that got stuck - so the emergency services had been summoned in case he needed to be cut out. Four fire engines!

Anyway, I enjoyed the butternut squash and sweet potato soup in the café for lunch, and the embroiderers' skill, as always, was impressive. My favourite piece was entitled 'Mary had a Little Lamb'.

Another week gone, another weekend here - relax and enjoy!

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