Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99


Maths exam day!

It was.. Interesting. The first paper (non calc) was absolutely horrific and nothing like the past papers or practice/specimen papers. It wasn't just me either - everyone else was in a state of much confusion. The second paper however (calculator) was a lot easier and I'm hoping I've managed to at least scrape a C altogether.

I also finished about three quarters of an hour early. In which time I doodled on my arm whilst checking through all my answers.

It's been another really nice sunny day and me and Libby went to our local cinema (which used to be until fairly recently a church) to see the new Captain America. I've been a few times before but they have since added a new smaller room and there's sofas! It was very comfy.

3 exams down, 3 to go.

day 56

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